The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love

Submitted by James Kenny, PhD on Thu, 12/01/2011 - 10:00

The following ad is said to have appeared in a 1914 London newspaper: 

"28 Men Wanted for a Hazardous Journey.  Low Wages.  Return in Doubt"

The ad was placed by Ernest Shackleton to recruit for his epic journey to cross Antarctica.  He received over 5000 responses.  

I was struck with the similarity between his request for a near-impossible task and the recruitment of foster parents.  We are asked to take a difficult job with minimal "pay" and marginal chance of "success."  Yet many of us apply.  Perhaps we should recruit foster parents with this blunt honesty.  I think there are many of us willing to take the abused and homeless child, the one nobody else wants or can care for properly.