From Delay to Despair

Being parked in a foster home for an indefinite period is not safe. Waiting can cause serious psychological damage. Foster children in limbo pass through five emotional stages as they wait for society to find them permanence.

  1. HOPE. At first the child has hope. Maybe this family will be the one. If only…. But in time, hope hurts.
  2. FEAR. As hope fades, fear sets in. What if it will always be like this? What if no one really wants me? What if I never have a home? What if….
  3. ANGER. After fear comes anger. The child gets mad and often expresses his feelings by acting out; temper tantrums, foot-dragging, stealing, destroying property, and failing “deliberately” in school to frustrate the foster parents.
  4. DEPRESSION. The anger may fade into darkness. The child becomes quiet and sad.
  5. INDIFFERENCE. In time, the depression may be replaced by a coldness, a lack of caring. So what! What’s the use? Who cares? I don’t.